SECRA is an International project funded by the European Commission ERASMUS+ scheme. SECRA demonstrates European added value through its transnational character aimed at a sustainable systemic impact. More specifically, SECRA promotes the sustainable development of the partner countries in the field of higher education according to Article 4 of EU regulation 1288 (2013). SECRA will achieve this through a comprehensive training program, on site and online, in innovation and entrepreneurship education, mapping the UEC networks and monitoring their progress, as well as promoting the creation of such sustainable networks. In the background of a continuously shifting environment due to the occurrence of disasters, SECRA will enhance the capacity of HEIs to demonstrate to students who will become recent graduates that there are more options than working for the public sector, thus putting their technological skills into innovative uses. This is in line with the EU 2020 (2010) strategy of a smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth. Smart growth is based on new knowledge creation and innovation and SECRA’s experiential learning activities aim towards innovative connections with the private sector. Sustainable growth will be promoted through the integration of entrepreneurial thinking in training materials – not only market, but also green – social- and policy entrepreneurship. Finally, ensuring the participation of women and raising awareness about diversity issues promote the inclusive growth, one striving towards social cohesion. It is the composition of the consortium, the know-how of the programme countries and the existing relationships between programme and partner countries that can make the creation of new knowledge and the knowledge transfer possible. What is more, SECRA is designed to gather data and establish learning feedback loops not only between programme and partner countries, but also among and within partner countries themselves, something that would not be possible to achieve with activities in each single country with national funding. Finally, the objectives of the program HEIs are aligned with that of the partner countries, different context notwithstanding.